Hi You,
So, i've got something to tell you.
I'm moving...blogs.
I know...this may be your first time here, or we could be old pals and what....you're moving?
You see, last spring i had a goal. That goal was to make a website to showcase my photographs, and that I did. But it was like pulling teeth. It brought up lots of stuff around worth, fear of success and putting myself out there. By the time I finished the site, well...truth be told, I wasn't that excited about it.
Jumping to this spring, it definitely felt like time to take the next step. Its one of those times where its really a matter of clarifying one's goal. With the last website my goal was simply "to have a website". This time my goal was to "make a website that is vibrant, shows my photos well, is affordable, and has me inspired to update it regularly". I also really wanted to have it feel like my online home, and to have everything in one space, including my blog. I've been in this space for a shocking 4 years now, so in my opinion I'm overdue for change!
And it happened. Once I found Squarespace and found out how easy it is to work with...there was no turning back. It took no emotional turmoul from me, just a whole lot of fun. So I've found a new home...one that feels whole, inspiring, and very me!
So here it is...
I'd love it if you'd join me at my new blog there. I promise it'll be good old me, lots of photos, more photoshoots and i've been doing lots of writing about doing self-portraits that i'm excited to share.
Before I leave I have one more thing to tell you! I'm completely giddy and honored to have been a part of Liz Lamoreux's Interview series 'Nine'. It was such a great experience to answer her questions via images. Check it out here!
Okay...it actually feels a little tough to press 'publish' and let go of this blog, but its time for newness!
Hope to see you there!