I think one of the most delicious things in my life right now is how happy i feel. I've spent a long time emerging from my own messy self and its so sweet to be authentically happy. I also have a clear understanding that this abundance of happiness in me waiting to emerge...must be treated with kindness. i need to continue to speak kindly to myself, to be resiliant and to take deep breaths in my own strength.

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert has been an amazing addition to my life. I consumed it during my vacation and i truly think it has what has helped me integrate the peacefulness-in-myself that i found there.

When I came back everything looked so different, so lush. Reds, Purples and Pinks lighting up my yard.

My new gorgeous rubber boots make a girl feel pretty all year round, even when you haven't seen the sun in a month. rainy season is over, but they are too delicious to put away for the summer.

My sunday afternoon art making session has changed the way i feel about this city. not only is it something to look forward to every week, but it is doing what i had hoped which is help me to infiltrate art into my everyday life.

Literally delicious is the dragon bowl at the Naam. I have only been back from my trip for a bit over a week and i've already been there far too many times! True nutritious, sumputous, deliciousness.

Grateful in all this deliciousness,