Monday, May 31, 2004

creative dreams

the newest book on my bookshelf (though it hasn't had a chance to sit still yet...its been travelling with me everywhere)is the newest book by sark (, called MAKE YOUR CREATIVE DREAMS REAL: A PLAN FOR PERFECTIONISTS, BUSY PEOPLE AND PEOPLE WHO WOULD RATHER SLEEP ALL DAY. this book has perfect timing as my creative dreams are stepping more and more into the light each day. so i am going to let them speak, announce themselves.
My creative dreams:
-to make a c.d.
-to perform my music regularly in public
-to explore my writing and poetry and honour it, not hide it
-to make herbal body products
-to rediscover pottery
-to integrate music into my doula practise
-to rediscover my watercolours
-to keep my heart open
-to create my body empowerment workshops

so mote it be!

Sunday, May 30, 2004

my inner bitch

lately i've been drawn to checking certain folks web journals on a regular basis and i'm noticing a pattern. they are all fiesty, sarcastic, blunt, authenic women who say exactly what they want to. i laugh, i empathize, i think perhaps i dream of being able to be that blunt! leoness i am, i think i have an inner bitch that wants out! so if tomorrow i seem like i've woken up on the wrong side of the bed, its a good thing.
check out: